Tyll Van de Voort formally trained 45 apprentices in biodynamic horticulture between 1983 and 2013 as well as  many more young volunteers informally both at Oaklands Park and latterly at Ruskin Mill Clervaux. Some of these trainees went on to found and run horticultural and social projects around the world; others took their work in different directions, but for most who met Tyll, his family and the Oaklands community, it was an essential formative experience in their lives.
Following Tyll and Sybille's departure from Oaklands Park, the ensuing change of direction of Camphill Village Trust and the gradual decline of Oaklands gardens in the years after, Tyll reflected that his real legacy was all the people that he had trained.
This website is a small attempt at honouring the gifts that he gave to all of us who trained with him, through remembering him.

Ed Berger, Sunfield School, Clent. February 2021
(Oaklands garden apprentice 2002-2004).
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